


Project submitted to the SSHRC

A project entitled "Constructing North-South Knowledge Community for Development Research" was submitted and approved by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Activities were conducted betrween 2010 and 2011. See.

Mission to Colombia

The purpose was to discuss cooperation activities between project CCD-CKD - Cooperation, Knowledge and Development and the Association of Colombian Universities (ASCUN), the Departamento de Desarrollo Rural y Regional of Universidad Javeriana, and CINEP - Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular. Discussions about organization of forums and production of on-line courses for professional development will continue on the base of specific proposals. 

Discussions with OIBESCOOP: Social Economy courses

Institution: Ibero American Observatory on Employment and Social and Cooperative Economy (OIBESCOOP)

This activity was aimed at exploring OIBESCOOP interest to sponsor and participate in the production of on-line courses for professional updating on social and cooperative economy topics. This network includes a large number of professionals and specialists in Spain, Portugal and Latin America and the Caribbean. OIBESCOOP indicated it has not inconvenience in sponsoring production or delivery of on-line courses. Production of courses will be done in coordination with OIBESCOOP representatives.

Partnership with Instituto POLIS (Brazil)

Institution: Instituto POLIS

POLIS is one the most important NGOs in Brazil. Founded in 1987, it has been closely identified with issues related to cities and activities in the field of public policies and local development.
Exercise of citizen's rights, as a democratic achievement, is the central theme linking its different activities aimed at constructing cities that are just, sustainable and democratic. As a result of discussions POLIS joined the CCD-CKD project; an institutional visit was agreed to be conducted by CEBEM in early 2010.


Creation of CEBEM International (CI)

CI was created in October as a non-profit organization linked to CEBEM in Latin America. The vision is to strengthen thecollaboration between North and South for development purposes. Its activities will be based on the innovations emerged in information and communication technologies; the existence of regional knowledge networks that link academics and practitioners in North and South; and diverse modalities of online education for purposes of improving higher education and professional development. The purpose of CI is to contribute to mutual knowledge about development problems, particularly between Latin America and the Caribbean countries, Canada and the USA. CI will promote multidisciplinary cooperation and mutual learning for implementation of research, online education, information, and communication activities on diverse development themes.


Development and approval of CEBEM-CIC project

Institutions: The Centre for Intercultural Communication (CIC), University of British Columbia, and the Centro Boliviano de Estudios Multidisciplinarios (CEBEM). Funding organization: International Development Research Centre (IDRC-Canada)

Project "North - South Knowledge Partnerships: Promoting the Canada - Latin America connection" was submitted and approved by IDRC-Canada (See section Projects)


Missions to University of British Columbia and CEBEM

Missions to the Centre of Intercultural Communication and the Centre of Human Settlements, University of British Columbia, and  the Centro Boliviano de Estudios Mutidisciplinarios were conducted in order to discuss development of new project initiatives for knowledge partnerships. Development of a project in poartnership was agreed.

Microempresas, Pobreza y Empleo en America Latina y el Caribe. Una Propuesta de Trabajo

Institution: The Organization of the American States (OAS) / Organizacion de los Estados Americanos (OEA)

El proposito de esta actividad fue identificar nuevas oportunidades de intervencion a traves de las cuales se sume valor a las polïticas y proyectos que se ejecutan por los gobiernos y las  agencias de cooperacion internacional en beneficio del sector de microempresas.No se trata de un analisis con base en investigacion original o nuevos datos. El estudio se basa en los resultados de diagnosticos y datos que se han encontrado disponibles.

Las preguntas que guïan el analisis son las siguientes: ¿Cual es la posicion del sector de microempresas dentro del escenario de desarrollo reciente en America Latina? ¿Cuales son los desafïos que enfrenta la microempresa dentro de ese escenario? ¿Como han estado respondiendo a esos desafïos las polïticas y programas? ¿Cuales oportunidades existen para sumar valor a las intervenciones en curso?

A proposal for development of North-South and South-South knowledge partnerships on the base of networks led by the OAS was produced.

The meeting. The Report

Canada - Andes - Latin America Cooperation Partnerships for Mutual Development

Exploratory project completed (See report)


Exploring Andean-Canadian Partnerships from the South

Institutions: The Advocate Institute of Human Resources, International Development Research Centre (IDRC-Canada), and Centro Boliviano de Estudios Multidisciplinarios (CEBEM)

The increasing interest for collaboration between research entities in the USA and Canada, and countries in the global South is usually expressed in outreach activities where the initiative is taken by the Northern institution, which seeks to establish partnerships with one or more Southern organizations around common interests or goals. The purpose of the present pilot activity was to carry out a South-North exploration, starting from one Bolivian research and training institution, the Centro Boliviano de Estudios Multidisciplinarios (CEBEM), to determine how it might make itself better known in North America, and develop mutually beneficial relationships with Northern institutions with research interests in the Andean region.

This activity included(a) preparation of possible activities in areas which to promote USA-Canada-Andean partnerships, to be presented to institutions and universities in Washington DC (WDC), Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, and Sault-Saint Marie; (b) organization of an agenda and coordination of meetings with key officials of Embassies of Bolivia in WDC and Ottawa; the Inter American Development Bank and the World Bank Institute; representatives of universities in WDC, Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal; and oficials of key Canadian organizations with interests in Latin American; and (c) preparation of a document with conclusions and recomendations for follow-up activities and a CEBEM's institutional promotion strategy in the North.

Documents were prepared and discussions were held regarding the following areas:

Knowledge Partnerships. Strengthening Social and Economic Development

Knowledge partnerships are not only key in agricultural and industrial areas but also in the areas of commercial, social, and personal services. The revolution in information and communication technologies has put the individual and the citizen not only in a new relation with the community and the national state, but also in the presence of opportunities unthinkable some decades ago. Opportunities for development of "knowledge partnerships" between Northern institutions and the South are feasible in areas such as international cooperation, research and professional training, collaboration among public agencies, collaboration among parliamentary bodies, and links between the private sectors in Canada and the South.

Distance Higher Education. CEBEM'S Virtual Campus for Professional Training

Job demands of oficials responsible for local development makes their professional updating, access to bibliography, attendance to courses of specialization, and exchange of experiences, very difficult. To overcome this situation CEBEM has created a platform for distance-based training: the CEBEM Virtual Campus. Learning objectives are attained by using a teaching model based on on-line e-learning, which is didactically and technically innovative. The model permits quality training by teaching practical knowledge about last generation technologies and methodologies.

Forum Andes - Canada - USA. In Search of the Northern Connexion

Various networks of institutions and persons with interest on social and economic development have emerged in the Andean area. Their existence may facilitate the link with similar groups of academicians and professionals in the North, where associations exist actively involved in the analysis of development problems of the Andean region and Latin America. Two particular examples, among others, are the Canadian Association of Latin America and the Caribbean Studies (CALACS) and the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC). Some recent consultations made to Canadian experts on Latin America indicated existence of unanimous agreement for improving connectivity among institutions of Latin America and Canada.

A Canadian Program of Andean Internships. Opportunities for Canadian Academicians and Professionals

Internships are short stays, between 3 and 6 months, with the purpose to complete a training program or to obtain a work experience, collaborating with colleagues of local institutions, and under a logistic umbrella that guaranties access to information and key people. Among the expected results are: (a) development of lasting relations between Canadian and Andean networks and institutions; (b) identification of needs for the updating of academic and professional training programs in both the Canadian and Andean sides; (c) identification of professionals and academicians that are working in the subject matter of the internships; (d) identification of sources of information and communication mechanisms that may facilitate the flow of knowledge, design of projects, and promotion of advocacy; (e) and, expansion or creation of virtual communities of academicians and professionals. Internships opportunities may be found in research centers, universities, grass-root organizations, government agencies, and private sector.

Bolivia Day. Ottawa and Washington DC

Objectives are to promote Bolivian training and research institutions in Canada and the USA; to present and discuss a topic of high relevance for development of Bolivia; and to strengthen relations with experts on Andean themes and Bolivian issues who operate in the North.


Organization of Conference on Free Trade Negotiations and the Andean Countries

Institutions: Embassy of Peru, Center for Latin American Issues of George Washington University, and Peru Consortium for Social and Economic Research

This event was held on October 7th. The purpose was to examine and discuss implications of free trade agreements in the Andean region, taking as case Peru and the Free Trade Agreement with the USA (TLC). Implications of those agreements for generation of applied research and training of professional and technical human resources were discussed. Topics examined were: 1. Nexus between Trade and Cooperation. Robert Devlin, Deputy Manager. Antoni Estevadeordal, Principal Economist. Integration and Regional Programs Department. Inter American Development Bank; 2. The Challenge of Strengthening National Trading Capacities. Mercedes Araoz, Lead of the Peruvian Team on Trade Capacity Building for USA - Andean FTA Negotiations. Public Liaison of Ministry of Trade and Tourism with the private sector for FTA. Chair of FTAA Negotiation Group on Competition Policy. Associate Professor & Researcher, Universidad del Pacifico; 3. Identifying Costs and Benefits: the Need for a Research Agenda. Alan Fairlie, Coordinator of the Latin American Trade Network (LATN), Professor of Economics, Catholic University of Peru, Lima.

Canada-Latin America Links

Institutions: Canadian universities and the Peru Consortium

This activity is addressed to discuss mechanisms for linking research and training centers in Latin America, particularly in the Andean area, with Canadian scholars and universities. A Discussion Group was organized with a select number of Canadian scholars, which is under expansion on the base of references provided by colleague researchers. A draft document, "The Bridge", was prepared as guide for the exchange of ideas. The document describes the following possible mechanisms: an internship program, creation of an advisoy board, the Canadian connection (an idea for an information system), a public sector exchange program, the Bussines Team (an idea to work with the Canadian private sector), and a fund raising proposal for obtaining seed money. A final report on results of discussions will be produced as an input for the design of collaborative activities between Canadian and Latin American institutions.

Map of Canadian Universities with Activities in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia

Institutions: Canadian International Development Agency, IDRC Canada and Peru Consortium

This activity had the purpose to prepare a map of activities and projects conducted by Canadian universities and the Canadian International Development Agency in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. The purpose is to obtain information about institutional opportunities to establish sustainable and long term relations between North and South universities and research centers. The Map includes information about institutional agreements between Canadian universities and universities in the Andean countries; Canadian institutes, academic programs, and scholars devoted to the analysis of Latin American issues; CIDA projects; and, a profile of research topics examined by projects funded by Canada.

Consultation about Canadian Non-governmental Organizations with Activities in LAC

Institutions: Canadian NGOs

This activity was addressed to identify Canadian NGOs with activities in Latin America. The objective is to know NGOs with interests to work with research centers and universities in order to develop proposals, and conduct collaborative activities. This exploration is under way and currently focused on the Andean region.


Organization of International Seminars in Ottawa (Canada) and Washington DC

Institutions: PERU Consortium and International Development Research Centre (IDRC-Canada)

The meetings had as purposes: (1) presentation of CIES institutional strategy for the 2004-2007 period with the objectives of identifying opportunities for funding CIES projects and developing partnerships for research, training, and utilization of research results; (2) presentation of selected CIES research results in the areas of poverty alleviation, public health, and employment policies; (3) discussion of fundraising and partnerships approaches and opportunities; and (4) identification at the meetings of a preliminary agenda for following-up purposes. As results there were expression of interest by Canadian universities and networks for establishing partnerships with CIES; the Peruvian Embassy in Washington indicated interest in the organization of a Peru Day in WDC next May 2004, with attendance of American scholars and analysts specialized in Peru; links with CLAI-George Washington University were enhanced; interest of donor community was obtain to fund CIES activities; and a contribution was made to the successful completion of discussions and approval by CIDA-Canada of another phase of the Peru Consorcio project activities. For more information about CIES see

Promotion of International Center for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC) in Washington DC

Institution: International Center for the Prevention for Crime. Canada

The purpose was to explore funding and partnership possibilities for ICPC program on youth, a program of cooperation in the Southern Cone of Latin America, and a network of Latin American cities interested in developing urban safety programs. In order to implement this activity, a selection of key institutions and persons was made in the Washington DC area, a summary presentation of ICPC ideas was prepared and circulated with introduction letters, and interviews were conducted. Some conclusions are: the Inter American Bank (IADB) was very interested in engaging with ICPC and funding would be a matter of approaching the teams of projects under development or already under implementation; the World Bank has not a loan program on the matter but technical cooperation funds may be available; the G-50 at the Carnegie Endowment may be another option depending on what and how is asked from them.  PAHO's interest could not be explored. Another options of funding through partnerships were the Wilson Center, the Inter-American Dialogue or Georgetown University. Results were circulation of information about ICPC to institutions that know little about it, and the expression of interest by IADB to coordinate a visit by ICPC Director in order to held a short seminar for a select audience in Washington DC. For more information about ICPC see


Red Latinoamericana de Informacion, Documentacion y Educacion (REDUC)

Institution: CIDE, Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo de la Educacion. Chile

A proposal for an additional phase of REDUC's activities was completed and presented to development banks and donor agencies in the USA. The proposal had the purpose to request support for an additional phase in order to continue production of executive analytical summaries on topics relevant to education policy decision-making, conduct training courses, and provide support to other similar networks, in particular ERNESA in south and east Africa. Suggestions for improving the proposal, including implementation of a regional consultation with experts were given. This activity was conducted as a part of the Social Development & Policy Group portfolio of activities. For more information about REDUC see  


PERU CONSORCIO. Promotion of Institutional and Research Activities in Washington DC

Institution: Peru Consortium of Economic and Social Research

The purpose was to prepare a list of institutional and personal contacts in the Washington DC area interested in developing activities in the Andean Sub-region and in Peru in particular, to produce information documents on the Consortium activities, prepare a portfolio of project profiles reflecting CIES research and training priorities, to follow-up student internships and academic exchange between CIES and George Washington University (GWU), and to identify opportunities and new topics for policy interventions relevant to CIES interests. As results key US institutions in Washington DC devoted to policy analysis, public administration training, evaluation of poverty alleviation programs, and education were contacted and discussions began for future collaboration and partnership; an internship program with GWU and an academic exchange with the University of Pennsylvania was established; and CIES expanded its network of contacts and identify topics and ways to innovate its research and training agenda.  The development of new institutional links assisted CIES in obtaining new information to initiate and pursue fruitful forms of collaboration and partnerships with US institutions. For more information about CIES see

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