Strengthening of Activities of the Social Network for Latin America and the Caribbean (Red Social)

Institution: Secretary General of the Organization of the American States (OAS). Inter American Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICD)

Country: Latin American Region

The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of project results obtained by the Red Social, which encompasses Social Funds in 29 countries in the region. The project was submitted by Mexico to be coordinated by the Secretariat of Social Development (SEDESOL). Executing agencies were Red de Solidaridad Social de Colombia; Fondo Nacional de Compensacion Desarrollo Social (FONCODES), Peru; Instituto Mixto de Ayuda Social, Costa Rica; and, SEDESOL, Mexico. The general objective was to strengthen the management capacity of Social Funs in the region. It was expected to obtain exchange of experiences and best practices, and an enhanced capacity for program formulation, implementation and administration.  The evaluation was conducted by using a participatory and prospective approach. Results included recommendations for improving activities of the Network. For more information see

Mexico-Central American Cooperation Program on Distance Education

Institution: Secretary General of the Organization of the American States (OAS). Inter American Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICD)

Countries: Belize, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Panama

The project was submitted by Mexico to be coordinated and executed by the Coordinador General de Educaci￿elesecundaria. Participant institutions were the ministries of education of Belize, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Panama. The general purpose was application of the distance education model produced by Telesecundaria for the benefit of secondary schools in rural and marginal urban areas in order to (1) improve quality of education and (2) meet demand for education at the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades.  The evaluation was conducted by using a participatory and prospective approach. Results included recommendations a model for improving Telesecundaria activities in the Central American region.

Promotion of Inclusion Education of Disabled Population in Basic and Initial Education

Institution: Secretary General of the Organization of the American States (OAS). Inter American Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICD)

Countries: Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, and Uruguay

The project was submitted by Mexico to be coordinated by the Secretariat of Public Education. Executing institutions agencies at the ministries of education in Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, and Uruguay. The objective of the project was to prepare and implement a training program, including the training strategy and printed and audiovisual materials, on the technical, methodological, and didactic aspects related to education for disabled children.  The program was aimed at schoolteachers working with regular and disabled students attending preparatory and initial grades. The evaluation was conducted by using a participatory and prospective approach. Results included recommendations a model for improving Telesecundaria activities in the Central American region.


Tertiary Education in Panama

Institutions: Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT) of Panama

Country: Panama

This activity, in response to an invitation by IADB and SENACYT, took place between October 2002 and July 2003. It was conducted by a team of Associates of the Social Development & Policy Group (SDP). My participation was as expert responsible for the overall evaluation methodology and design.  The objectives of the evaluation were to: (1) analyze the responsiveness of the Tertiary Education System to current and projected demands from the labor market in strategic sectors; (2) examine the role and capacity of Tertiary Education institutions in supplying quality and relevant programs to satisfy such demands, with attention to indigenous and rural populations; (3) analyze the financing of post-secondary education, examine current mechanisms of public and private investments, and the equity and efficiency of existing arrangements; (4) identify priority areas in need of further technical assistance to improve current Tertiary Education practices; and (5) prepare a Plan of Action for policy intervention for the short, medium and long-term. The final evaluation report entitled Enfrentando el Futuro. La Educacion Terciaria en Panama. Desafios y Oportunidades prepared by the SDP was approved by IADB. Expected impacts are to improve the planning and evaluation of teaching and research activities, to create a capacity for adjusting supply of professionals and technicians to demands from the labor market, to enhance the capacity for monitoring quality and equity, and to make the system￿s management more effective and efficient.


Training Activities of the Social Network for Latin America and the Caribbean (Red Social)

Institution: Organization of American States
Country: Latin American Region

The purpose was to evaluate lessons learned by the Red Social in the areas of cooperation among Social Funds (SFs) aimed at training of human resources; networking mechanisms for transferring knowledge; and, dissemination of innovations to improve the design, execution, and evaluation of more effective and efficient programs. A particular attention was given to the regional program of internships supported by the Inter-American Development Bank. A model was proposed to consolidate the role of the Red Social in the region on the base of lessons learned, achievements, and existing opportunities.  The model has three components: institutional strengthening of programs supported by the SFs, the training of human resources, and the utilization of new information and communication technologies

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